Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Intro to my Blog

Greg Twarozek
Com 303
            The central idea and goal of my blog is to inform students on the dangers of performance enhancing drugs and why they are negatively affecting all kinds of student athletes. I intend to discuss how PED’s have ruined many sports in America today and why using them is considered cheating. I want to include the numerous levels of sport at which PED’s have been used, which includes from high school to college and all the way up to the pros.  I want to discover which age groups are more prone to the use of PED’s, as well as asking numerous student athletes their views on steroids.

            I believe this topic fills a need because the use of PED’s has continuously gotten worse over the years in sports and I fill it’s an issue everyone would want to read about, including those who have and have not cheated. You should definitely consider reading this if you’re an athlete involved in any college or high school sport because you might want to hear of the dangers of PED use and how these drugs can ruin your body and for some athletes, their entire career.

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